University of Liverpool have won the 2022 BUGAA Ladies Championship in gaelic football.
They saw off their rivals Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool Hope University, Robert Gordon University and University Of Glasgow to claim victory.
In the final, they defeated John Moores University 4.10 – 3.11 to become the All-Britain Ladies champions.
Liverpool Hope University exited the competition in the group stages with a 1.6-2.3 loss to Robert Gordon University.

Hope showed promise after defeating rivals John Moores University 1.3-0.9.
That was short-lived as they were demolished by University of Liverpool by 7.10-2.3.
Liverpool Hope University’s Corner back, Nicole Cunningham told Merseysportlive “the better team won”.
She added: “I will train harder to beat the teams who beat us in the tournament and hopefully get the win next time.”
Nicole will play back in Ireland in the university off-season this summer.
She added: “Whenever I go back home, like many of the girls, I’ll be training and playing, matches so once I’m back over here I’ll be more prepared.”
But next season there are concerns over the squad which has “lost a lot of our main players”.
Tournament winners University of Liverpool were delighted at their victory.

Team president and corner back Caoimhe Mullan told Merseysportlive how she felt after their tournament win.
“It was unreal when the final whistle went, I turned to our goalie, Chloe McMahon and just burst into tears.
“It had been a tense last ten minutes and could have gone either way, so we were just so relieved, happy and excited to hear that whistle.
“We have a very young panel with only four of our players graduating this year.
“I know the team will be one to watch for the next few years and I can’t wait to see how they get on throughout the league and championship next year.”
(Featured Photo credit: Aisling Williams)